The Penrose Tiles
In the books All Shapes and Sizes and Savage Shapes you see how to make Penrose tiles which were invented by Roger Penrose - one of our maths heroes!

If you look at a patterned wallpaper, you'll see that the same pattern keeps coming up over and over again but...

... the clever bit about the Penrose tiles is that you can put them together to cover an area, but even if you go on forever the pattern never will exactly repeat itself!

You can make your own set of Penrose tiles!

Click on this print-out picture and you'll get a template you can print and cut out.

Print more sheets for more tiles and more fun!

Mr Penrose went on to design two amazing shapes called "The Penrose Chickens". There's a fat one and a thin one as you can see here.

If you get loads of these two shapes, you can put them together like a jigsaw puzzle. The amazing thing is that the pattern will NEVER repeat.

Here's how an arrangement might start.

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